XXX Ghost Pepper Mash
XXX Ghost Pepper Mash
XXX Ghost Pepper Mash

Dawson's Hot Sauce

XXX Ghost Pepper Mash

XXX Ghost Pepper Mash

Garlic  GarlicGhost Pepper  Ghost PepperVinegar  Vinegar
Hummus  HummusPizza  PizzaStew  StewStir Fry  Stir Fry

Garlic  GarlicGhost Pepper  Ghost PepperVinegar  Vinegar

Food Pairings:
Hummus  HummusPizza  PizzaStew  StewStir Fry  Stir Fry
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  • Description
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This sauce is a thick Bhut Jolokia mash with a TON of heat. Looking to ruin your afternoon in the most delicious way possible? Then this is the sauce for you! With roughly 36 ghost peppers (bhut jolokia) in each bottle of sauce, the Dawson's XXX packs a wallop that sits with you for a while. But thankfully the flavor matches the heat bite for bite. As the heat slowly builds you have time to savor the pepper sweetness and rich, mouth coating flavor of ghost. Try it on a sandwich or a slice of pizza, or mixed into a stir fry or stew, or to add a much needed kick to some hummus.

Vinegar, Dried Ghost Pepper, Garlic, Sea Salt
Company Info

Dawson's Hot Sauce

Dawson's Hot Sauce is a family owned/operated company based out of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. We pride ourselves in offering unique, high quality sauces with the right balance of heat and flavour. Since 2013, founder Brodie Dawson has been crafting our award winning sauces with the family name behind him. Join the Dawson family today and make our sauce the new staple in your household!

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